Saturday 30 April 2011

Strips on the water is never a good sign

As Jane and I arrived in the morning the pond look like someone was getting it ready for a swimming gala, with stripes all across the water making it look like lanes in a swimming pool.

Being the brave souls we are, we set out in our boat to check the conditions. The high winds were not to bad running at Force 4.5, but when the gust came through (at what felt like Force 6) spinning as they came, we eventually found ourselves in the water. Other brave souls that went out in the morning was Dylon and Rory, both went for a swim, with Rory managing to do a 360 with a difference, bow over stern, which is not easy in an Oppy.

After speaking with the officer of the day, who felt just for a change he would give Sharks the other end of the pond, the end were the worst of the winds was, Jane and I decided that land drills were long over due.

So a Topper was set up in the shelter of the Topper Park and we looked at tacking the bow of boat through the wind. Our group Guy, Hannah, Will, Dylon and Rory all took it in turns to practise best practice when Tacking.

Key points - Look behind you to see all is clear. Push away the tiller. WAIT for the boom to come over (Dylon). Move across the boat with the foot towards the rear of the boat first. Rotate the tiller extension so as to straiten the rudder. Sit down on the other side and face forward, steering behind your back until you are ready to change hands.

The star of the land drill was Guy, very closely followed by Hannah. So just add water is all that is needed.

We finished off by going through a few notes. All had a good time especially when we looked out onto the water to see the bottom of quite a few boats.

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